What are NFTs?

What are NFTs?

Hello there, fellow avocado lovers and blockchain enthusiasts!

In this blog post we’re going to discuss NFTS – the what and the why:

NFTs are the latest craze in the crypto and digital world. This is due to their use of blockchain technology: a decentralised system made up of thousands of computers around the world, which together guarantee the traceability of NFTs and stops them being counterfeited.

The acronym NFT stands for ‘Non Fungible Token’; this means that despite being non-tangible, they are unique, indivisible and unmodifiable assets that cannot be exchanged for any other digital asset that could be considered equivalent, because no two are the same.

Using a real-world example, an NFT could be likened to a unique work of art such as La Gioconda, which was acquired by King Francis I of France in the early 16th century and thus, has been known as belonging to the French state ever since. It is the same with NFTs: the person who proves to be the owner of the NFT has the exclusive rights to the digital asset, which certifies them with full exclusivity and authenticity in relation to the artwork.

All of the above is represented in the blockchain through a Smart Contract; this is responsible for monitoring the authenticity of the work, recording all present and past owners, and guaranteeing the original artist a percentage of the profits generated in future sales.

Other examples of NFT-applicable assets are songs, houses, images, stamps… these assets, some of them tangible, can all be linked to a digital certificate.

If you’ve arrived up to this point and are still curious, we encourage you to visit our NFT gallery and check out the digital avocado artwork.

                                                                                              May the power of the green gold guide you!

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